Buddy's Drive-Thru Tree Cruise & Car Show

photo credit Rich Gravelle

Last year, Sherwood Forest Motel was the motel of choice for this terrific event, and we are proud to have been chosen again this year - for the 3rd Annual Drive-Thru Tree Cruise & Car Show!

This is a FREE EVENT to be held September 12th & 13th at The Peg House in Leggett, California - with guest judges, music, food, and lots of Classic Cars and cool people - this is a seriously great time in a beautiful setting along Highway 101 in Northern California.

Participants #StayAtSherwoodForest and spend the weekend on 2-acres of private property, hanging out in one place having a great time among friends and cool cars - join us!

Learn more about the event on their Facebook page: 3rd Annual Drive Thru Tree & Car Show

Thank you Lisa Mancilla!

Shout out to Lisa for providing these great videos of the Drive-Thru Tree & footage of the cars on the road!